Unlock Deep Transformation And Authentic Living:

Release The Root Of Unnecessary Suffering, Trauma
And Negative Patterns,


Embrace The Authentic Freedom, Joy And Vitality
Of Your True Self

Go beyond symptom management,
and Experience Lasting Emotional Liberation
with the game-changing practices of
Deep Holistic Unbinding

Book A Free Clarity Call

Deep Holsitic Unbinding Is More Than Therapy:

It's a Transformative Journey of
Emotional Liberation

freeing your authentic self from the grip of the repressive survival-mode programming that's holding you back

transforming your life and relationships forever

How It Works

We're repeatedly discovering that negative patterns of thinking and behavior, limiting beliefs and emotional suffering come from one underlying source:

The source of suffering is the frozen survival-mode fear in the body and nervous system.

This is why trauma and emotions get stuck; the fear is too much for our bodies to handle, so it gets stuck instead of flowing through and releasing.

This frozen fear is constantly repressing our life-force, and winding it up in knots of repeating patterns and emotional pain.

As we melt the frozen fear that's stuck in our bodies, it transforms into the unbounded life-force of our authentic selves.

I want to give credit to Scott Kiloby for inventing the term frozen fear.

After gently regulating your nervous system with presence based practices, Deep Holisic Unbinding works by bringing the repressive survival-mode programming into awareness and compassionately deprogramming it.

We move through the frozen fear that has been controlling you, allowing it to thaw and transform into a passion for living.

This involves feeling and expressing emotions you may have always repressed and avoided. But when you learn to consistently allow waves of feelings to wash over you without turning away, the fear transforms into excitement and passion for life. And what's left is a palpable and abiding freedom.

With Deep Holistic Unbinding,
We Experience:


Freedom From Inner Burdens And Emotional Pain

As we release the source of survival-mode suffering, all the surface-level manifestations of suffering disappear as well.

(releasing: trauma, overwhelm, disconnection, apathy, anxiety, addiction, limiting beliefs and more)

Healthy, Loving Relationships

Deep-rooted love, openness, compassion and joy sprouts in our relationships when we release the fear of rejection and hurt, and heal our need for approval.

As we heal the wound that narcissist take advantage of, we no longer fall into abusive relationships.

With no need to pretend, we can be ourself without a mask. Healthy relationships becomes a given.

Living Fully, With The Passion of Our True Self

You know that pure and innocent joy and excitement of a child. We all seem to loose connection with it growing up. It's the joy of your authentic self.

When we release the layers of masks and fear that our ego has created, we go beyond just inner peace, we rediscover an unlimited passion for living life.

Authentic self-expression and creativity flows naturally.


"With Anders help, wisdom and patience I have been able to allow these suppressed emotions to come to the surface and be seen and felt. The results have been more openness, love, compassion, and joy in my long term relationship."

James Knaut

"Anders has incredible skill as a facilitator and holds a gentle and respectful space for inquiry. He picks up on the tiniest of details and senses things very accurately. This enables him to guide each journey in a deeply effective way. He has helped me discern the difference between self soothing and really healing."

Kate Lowe (NeurOptimal Trainer)
Hey there!


I believe that if everyone prioritize their own flourishing, the world will bloom like never before.

As a therapist, I use my deep understanding of the human experience and my passion for living life to the fullest to empower others to release repressive survival-mode programming and flourish as their authentic selves,

For half a decade, I delved into countless healing and liberation techniques, from many sources, including Scott Kiloby's exceptional tools for reversing emotional repression, which ultimately led to the development of Deep Holistic Unbinding, a potent synthesis of the most effective tools for emotional liberation.


© Løvaas Unbinding Life. All rights reserved.
Org nr. 921178379
Storsjøvegen 2592, 2133 Gardvik
[email protected]